Live Preview
The Live Preview feature in Phoenix Code provides instant feedback on changes made to HTML and CSS files, enabling developers to see their edits in real-time. This feature is activated by default for HTML projects, while other project types require manual setup.
Activating Live Preview for HTML Files
- Select the HTML file you wish to edit from the editing panel. .
- Click the lightning bolt icon, located on the right panel, to initiate Live Preview. .
- The icon turns gold when Live Preview is active. View the side-by-side Live Preview alongside the code. .
Detaching Live Preview to a New Window
- Hover over the Live Preview panel.
- Click the pop-out icon to detach Live Preview into a new window. .
- Live Preview will now display in your default web browser, allowing for uninterrupted coding and viewing.
Selecting a Browser for Live Preview
- Hover over the Live Preview panel.
- Choose your preferred browser by clicking its icon. .
- Live Preview opens in the chosen browser.