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Live Preview

The Live Preview feature in Phoenix Code provides instant feedback on changes made to HTML and CSS files, enabling developers to see their edits in real-time. This feature is activated by default for HTML projects, while other project types require manual setup.

Activating Live Preview for HTML Files

  1. Select the HTML file you wish to edit from the editing panel. Open file.
  2. Click the lightning bolt icon, located on the right panel, to initiate Live Preview. Lightning icon.
  3. The icon turns gold when Live Preview is active. Lightning icon active View the side-by-side Live Preview alongside the code. Live Preview active.

Detaching Live Preview to a New Window

  1. Hover over the Live Preview panel.
  2. Click the pop-out icon to detach Live Preview into a new window. Detaching to new window.
  3. Live Preview will now display in your default web browser, allowing for uninterrupted coding and viewing.

Selecting a Browser for Live Preview

  1. Hover over the Live Preview panel.
  2. Choose your preferred browser by clicking its icon. Browser selected.
  3. Live Preview opens in the chosen browser.

Live Preview Demonstrated