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The global NotificationUI can be used to create popup notifications over dom elements or generics app notifications.

A global window.EventManager object is made available in phoenix that can be called anytime after AppStart. This global can be triggered from anywhere without using require context.


Simple example

For Eg. Let's say we have to create a popup notification over the HTML element with ID showInfileTree. We can do this with the following


const NotificationUI = brackets.getModule("widgets/NotificationUI");
// or use window.NotificationUI global object has the same effect.
let notification = NotificationUI.createFromTemplate("Click me to locate the file in file tree", "showInfileTree",{});
console.log("notification is closed in ui.");

Advanced example

Another advanced example where you can specify html and interactive components in the notification Example

// note that you can even provide an HTML Element node with
// custom event handlers directly here instead of HTML text.
let notification1 = NotificationUI.createFromTemplate(
"<div>Click me to locate the file in file tree</div>", "showInfileTree",{
allowedPlacements: ['top', 'bottom'],
dismissOnClick: false,
autoCloseTimeS: 300 // auto close the popup after 5 minutes
// do stuff
console.log("notification is closed in ui reason:", closeReason);

The createFromTemplate API can be configured with numerous options. See API options below.


This section outlines the properties and methods available in this module

Kind: inner property of widgets/NotificationUI

widgets/NotificationUI.createFromTemplate(template, [elementID], [options]) ⇒ Notification

Creates a new notification popup from given template. The template can either be a string or a jQuery object representing a DOM node that is not in the current DOM.

Creating a notification popup // note that you can even provide an HTML Element node with // custom event handlers directly here instead of HTML text. let notification1 = NotificationUI.createFromTemplate(

  "<div>Click me to locate the file in file tree</div>", "showInfileTree",{
allowedPlacements: ['top', 'bottom'],
dismissOnClick: false,
autoCloseTimeS: 300 // auto close the popup after 5 minutes

Kind: inner method of widgets/NotificationUI
Returns: Notification - Object with a done handler that resolves when the notification closes.

templatestring | ElementA string template or HTML Element to use as the dialog HTML.
[elementID]Stringoptional id string if provided will show the notification pointing to the element. If no element is specified, it will be managed as a generic notification.
[options]Objectoptional, supported * options are: * allowedPlacements - Optional String array with values restricting where the notification will be shown. Values can be a mix of ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'] * autoCloseTimeS - Time in seconds after which the notification should be auto closed. Default is never. * dismissOnClick - when clicked, the notification is closed. Default is true(dismiss).

widgets/NotificationUI.createToastFromTemplate(title, template, [options]) ⇒ Notification

Creates a new toast notification popup from given title and html message. The message can either be a string or a jQuery object representing a DOM node that is not in the current DOM.

Creating a toast notification popup // note that you can even provide an HTML Element node with // custom event handlers directly here instead of HTML text. let notification1 = NotificationUI.createToastFromTemplate( "Title here",

  "<div>Click me to locate the file in file tree</div>", {
dismissOnClick: false,
autoCloseTimeS: 300 // auto close the popup after 5 minutes

Kind: inner method of widgets/NotificationUI
Returns: Notification - Object with a done handler that resolves when the notification closes.

titlestringThe title for the notification.
templatestring | ElementA string template or HTML Element to use as the dialog HTML.
[options]Objectoptional, supported * options are: * autoCloseTimeS - Time in seconds after which the notification should be auto closed. Default is never. * dismissOnClick - when clicked, the notification is closed. Default is true(dismiss). * toastStyle - To style the toast notification for error, warning, info etc. Can be one of NotificationUI.NOTIFICATION_STYLES_CSS_CLASS.* or your own css class name.