Import :
const CSSUtils = brackets.getModule("language/CSSUtils")
Set of utilities for simple parsing of CSS text.
Kind: global variable
SELECTOR : string
CSS selector, used to target specific elements
Kind: global constant
PROP_NAME : string
name of the property
Kind: global constant
PROP_VALUE : string
value of the specified property
Kind: global constant
IMPORT_URL : string
url for import
Kind: global constant
isCSSPreprocessorFile(filePath) ⇒ boolean
Determines if the given path is a CSS preprocessor file that CSSUtils supports.
Kind: global function
Returns: boolean
- true if LanguageManager identifies filePath as less or scss language.
Param | Type | Description |
filePath | string | Absolute path to the file. |
getInfoAtPos(editor, constPos) ⇒ Object
Returns a context info object for the given cursor position
Kind: global function
Returns: Object
- A CSS context info object.
Param | Type | Description |
editor | Editor | |
constPos | Object | A CM pos (likely from editor.getCursorPos()) |
We will use this CM to cook css context in case of style attribute value as CM in htmlmixed mode doesn't yet identify this as css context. We provide a no-op display function to run CM without a DOM head.
Kind: inner property of getInfoAtPos
getCompleteSelectors(info, [useGroup]) ⇒ string
Return a string that shows the literal parent hierarchy of the selector in info.
Kind: global function
Returns: string
- the literal parent hierarchy of the selector
Param | Type | Description |
info | SelectorInfo | |
[useGroup] | boolean | true to append selectorGroup instead of selector |
extractAllSelectors(text, documentMode) ⇒ Array.<SelectorInfo>
Extracts all CSS selectors from the given text Returns an array of SelectorInfo. Each SelectorInfo is an object with the following properties: selector: the text of the selector (note: comma separated selector groups like "h1, h2" are broken into separate selectors) ruleStartLine: line in the text where the rule (including preceding comment) appears ruleStartChar: column in the line where the rule (including preceding comment) starts selectorStartLine: line in the text where the selector appears selectorStartChar: column in the line where the selector starts selectorEndLine: line where the selector ends selectorEndChar: column where the selector ends selectorGroupStartLine: line where the comma-separated selector group (e.g. .foo, .bar, .baz) starts that this selector (e.g. .baz) is part of. Particularly relevant for groups that are on multiple lines. selectorGroupStartChar: column in line where the selector group starts. selectorGroup: the entire selector group containing this selector, or undefined if there is only one selector in the rule. declListStartLine: line where the declaration list for the rule starts declListStartChar: column in line where the declaration list for the rule starts declListEndLine: line where the declaration list for the rule ends declListEndChar: column in the line where the declaration list for the rule ends level: the level of the current selector including any containing @media block in the nesting level count. Use this property with caution since it is primarily for internal parsing use. For example, two sibling selectors may have different levels if one of them is nested inside an @media block and it should not be used for sibling info. parentSelectors: all ancestor selectors separated with '/' if the current selector is a nested one
Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<SelectorInfo>
- Array with objects specifying selectors.
Param | Type | Description |
text | string | CSS text to extract from |
documentMode | string | language mode of the document that text belongs to, default to css if undefined. |
findMatchingRules(selector, htmlDocument) ⇒ $.Promise
Return all rules matching the specified selector. For now, we only look at the rightmost simple selector. For example, searching for ".foo" will match these rules: .foo div .foo div.foo div .foo[bar="42"] div .foo:hovered div .foo::first-child but will not match these rules: .foobar .foo .bar div .foo .bar .foo.bar
Kind: global function
Returns: $.Promise
- that will be resolved with an Array of objects containing the
source document, start line, and end line (0-based, inclusive range) for each matching declaration list.
Does not addRef() the documents returned in the array.
Param | Type | Description |
selector | string | The selector to match. This can be a tag selector, class selector or id selector |
htmlDocument | Document | An HTML file for context (so we can search 'style' blocks) |
findSelectorAtDocumentPos(editor, pos) ⇒ string
Returns the selector(s) of the rule at the specified document pos, or "" if the position is is not within a style rule.
Kind: global function
Returns: string
- Selector(s) for the rule at the specified position, or "" if the position
is not within a style rule. If the rule has multiple selectors, a comma-separated
selector string is returned.
Param | Type | Description |
editor | Editor | Editor to search |
pos | Object | Position to search |
reduceStyleSheetForRegExParsing(content) ⇒ string
Reduces the style sheet by removing comments and strings so that the content can be parsed using a regular expression
Kind: global function
Returns: string
- reduced content
Param | Type | Description |
content | string | to reduce |
addRuleToDocument(doc, selector, useTabChar, indentUnit) ⇒ Object
Adds a new rule to the end of the given document, and returns the range of the added rule and the position of the cursor on the indented blank line within it. Note that the range will not include all the inserted text (we insert extra newlines before and after the rule).
Kind: global function
Returns: Object
- The range of the inserted rule and the location where the cursor should be placed.
Param | Type | Description |
doc | Document | The document to insert the rule into. |
selector | string | The selector to use for the given rule. |
useTabChar | boolean | Whether to indent with a tab. |
indentUnit | number | If useTabChar is false, how many spaces to indent with. |
In the given rule array (as returned by findMatchingRules()
), if multiple rules in a row
refer to the same rule (because there were multiple matching selectors), eliminate the redundant
rules. Also, always use the selector group if available instead of the original matching selector.
Kind: global function
getRangeSelectors(range) ⇒ string
Given a TextRange, extracts the selector(s) for the rule in the range and returns it. Assumes the range only contains one rule; if there's more than one, it will return the selector(s) for the first rule.
Kind: global function
Returns: string
- The selector(s) for the rule in the range.
Param | Type | Description |
range | TextRange | The range to extract the selector(s) from. |
Responsible to get all the CSS selectors in project
Kind: global function
Param | Type |
options | Object |
SelectorInfo : Object
Kind: global typedef