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Import :

const FileUtils = brackets.getModule("file/FileUtils")


Line endings crlf

Kind: global enum


Line endings lf

Kind: global enum

Maximium : Number

file size (in bytes) This must be a hard-coded value since this value tells how low-level APIs should behave which cannot have a load order dependency on preferences manager

Kind: global constant

readAsText(file, bypassCache) ⇒ $.Promise

Asynchronously reads a file as UTF-8 encoded text.

Kind: global function
Returns: $.Promise - a jQuery promise that will be resolved with the file's text content plus its timestamp, or rejected with a FileSystemError string constant if the file can not be read.

fileFileFile to read
bypassCachebooleanan optional argument, if specified will read from disc instead of using cache.

writeText(file, text, [allowBlindWrite]) ⇒ $.Promise

Asynchronously writes a file as UTF-8 encoded text.

Kind: global function
Returns: $.Promise - a jQuery promise that will be resolved when file writing completes, or rejected with a FileSystemError string constant.

fileFileFile to write
[allowBlindWrite]booleanIndicates whether or not CONTENTS_MODIFIED errors---which can be triggered if the actual file contents differ from the FileSystem's last-known contents---should be ignored.

getPlatformLineEndings() ⇒ LINE_ENDINGS_CRLF | LINE_ENDINGS_LF

Returns the standard line endings for the current platform

Kind: global function

sniffLineEndings(text) ⇒ null | LINE_ENDINGS_CRLF | LINE_ENDINGS_LF

Scans the first 1000 chars of the text to determine how it encodes line endings. Returns null if usage is mixed or if no line endings found.

Kind: global function


translateLineEndings(text, lineEndings) ⇒ string

Translates any line ending types in the given text to the be the single form specified

Kind: global function


getFileErrorString(name) ⇒ string

Kind: global function
Returns: string - User-friendly, localized error message



Creates an HTML string for a list of files to be reported on, suitable for use in a dialog.

Kind: global function

ArrayArray.<string>of filenames or paths to display.

convertToNativePath(path) ⇒ string

Convert a URI path to a native path. On both platforms, this unescapes the URI On windows, URI paths start with a "/", but have a drive letter ("C:"). In this case, remove the initial "/".

Kind: global function


convertWindowsPathToUnixPath(path) ⇒ string

Convert a Windows-native path to use Unix style slashes. On Windows, this converts "C:\foo\bar\baz.txt" to "C:/foo/bar/baz.txt". On Mac, this does nothing, since Mac paths are already in Unix syntax. (Note that this does not add an initial forward-slash. Internally, our APIs generally use the "C:/foo/bar/baz.txt" style for "native" paths.)

Kind: global function
Returns: string - A Unix-style path.

pathstringA native-style path.

stripTrailingSlash(path) ⇒ string

Removes the trailing slash from a path or URL, if it has one. Warning: this differs from the format of most paths used in Brackets! Use paths ending in "/" normally, as this is the format used by Directory.fullPath.

Kind: global function

pathstringor URL

getBaseName(fullPath) ⇒ string

Get the name of a file or a directory, removing any preceding path.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - Returns the base name of a file or the name of a directory

fullPathstringfull path to a file or directory

getNativeBracketsDirectoryPath() ⇒ string

Returns a native absolute path to the 'brackets' source directory. Note that this only works when run in brackets/src/index.html, so it does not work for unit tests (which is run from brackets/test/SpecRunner.html)

WARNING: unlike most paths in Brackets, this path EXCLUDES the trailing "/".

Kind: global function

getNativeModuleDirectoryPath() ⇒ string

Given the module object passed to JS module define function, convert the path to a native absolute path. Returns a native absolute path to the module folder.

WARNING: unlike most paths in Brackets, this path EXCLUDES the trailing "/".

Kind: global function

getFileExtension(fullPath) ⇒ string

Get the file extension (excluding ".") given a path OR a bare filename. Returns "" for names with no extension. If the name starts with ".", the full remaining text is considered the extension.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - Returns the extension of a filename or empty string if the argument is a directory or a filename with no extension

fullPathstringfull path to a file or directory

getRelativeFilename(basePath, filename) ⇒ string

Computes filename as relative to the basePath. For example: basePath: /foo/bar/, filename: /foo/bar/baz.txt returns: baz.txt

The net effect is that the common prefix is stripped away. If basePath is not a prefix of filename, then undefined is returned.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - relative path

basePathstringPath against which we're computing the relative path
filenamestringFull path to the file for which we are computing a relative path

isStaticHtmlFileExt(filePath) ⇒ boolean

Determine if file extension is a static html file extension.

Kind: global function
Returns: boolean - Returns true if fileExt is in the list

filePathstringcould be a path, a file name or just a file extension

getDirectoryPath(fullPath) ⇒ string

Get the parent directory of a file. If a directory is passed, the SAME directory is returned.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - Returns the path to the parent directory of a file or the path of a directory, including trailing "/"

fullPathstringfull path to a file or directory

getParentPath(fullPath) ⇒ string

Get the parent folder of the given file/folder path. Differs from getDirectoryPath() when 'fullPath' is a directory itself: returns its parent instead of the original path. (Note: if you already have a FileSystemEntry, it's faster to use entry.parentPath instead).

Kind: global function
Returns: string - Path of containing folder (including trailing "/"); or "" if path was the root

fullPathstringfull path to a file or directory

getFilenameWithoutExtension(filename) ⇒ string

Get the file name without the extension. Returns "" if name starts with "."

Kind: global function
Returns: string - Returns the file name without the extension

filenamestringFile name of a file or directory, without preceding path

compareFilenames(filename1, filename2, extFirst) ⇒ number

Compares 2 filenames in lowercases. In Windows it compares the names without the extension first and then the extensions to fix issue #4409

Kind: global function
Returns: number - The result of the compare function

extFirstbooleanIf true it compares the extensions first and then the file names.

comparePaths(path1, path2) ⇒ number

Compares two paths segment-by-segment, used for sorting. When two files share a path prefix, the less deeply nested one is sorted earlier in the list. Sorts files within the same parent folder based on compareFilenames().

Kind: global function
Returns: number - -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether path1 is less than, equal to, or greater than path2 according to this ordering.


encodeFilePath(path) ⇒ string

Kind: global function
Returns: string - URI-encoded version suitable for appending to 'file:///`. It's not safe to use encodeURI() directly since it doesn't escape chars like "#".

pathstringNative path in the format used by FileSystemEntry.fullPath

shouldOpenInExternalApplication(ext) ⇒ string

Kind: global function
Returns: string - returns true If file to be opened in External Application.

extstringextension string a file


Kind: global function

extstringFile Extensions to be added in External App List