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Publishing Themes & Extensions

This document outlines how to publish your Extensions/Themes to Phoenix Code Extension store.

Publishing Extensions/Themes.

Extensions created from the Phoenix Code extension/theme template can be easily published from your GitHub repository to the store.

Follow these steps:

  1. Increment the version field in package.json file before publishing, if needed.
  2. Compress the extension folder into a zip file with name

It is important to name the file as exactly

Compress folder Image

  1. Create a new release in GitHub and attach the above file in the release.

    1. On, navigate to the main page of the repository.
    2. To the right of the list of files, click Releases.

    Github Releases Image

    1. Click on Draft a new release.

    Draft New Release Image

    1. Select choose a tag and type in your new extension version and Create new tag.

    Create New Tag

    1. Fill out all the remaining fields.
    2. Drag and drop the file to the release.


    1. Click on Publish release button.

    See Release Example:

  2. You will get an issue in your issue tab regarding the publishing status of the extension/theme.

    See Example:

  3. If there are any errors in publishing, please visit the link in the issue to see the errors. Fix and retry publishing the release.

    Publish Failed Image

  4. Once published, your extension will appear in the Phoenix Code Extension Store at

    Extension Store Image

Publishing legacy Brackets extensions

Follow this section only for old brackets extensions.

To publish Extensions/themes that are not created from the above theme and extension template or old Brackets extensions, please follow the steps below:

  1. Create a GitHub repository for your extension if it is not present.
  2. Create a file .github/workflows/publishToPhcode.yml in your repo with the following contents:

That's all, you can now follow the above Publishing to the extension/theme store section.


Why is my extension not being published?

Your repository must be public to be able to be published to the Phoenix Code Extension store. See this link on understanding how to change repository visibility to public in GitHub.

How can I get a Verified Badge for my extension?

The verified extension badge(tick mark) will be automatically granted to verified GitHub Organizations.

How do I delete my extension from the store

Please raise an issue here:, mention your extension repository.