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Import :

const LanguageManager = brackets.getModule("language/LanguageManager")


Kind: global class

new Language()

Model for a language.

language.getId() ⇒ string

Returns the identifier for this language.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: string - The identifier

language.getName() ⇒ string

Returns the human-readable name of this language.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: string - The name

language.getMode() ⇒ string

Returns the CodeMirror mode for this language.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: string - The mode

language.getFileExtensions() ⇒ Array.<string>

Returns an array of file extensions for this language.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: Array.<string> - File extensions used by this language

language.getFileNames() ⇒ Array.<string>

Returns an array of file names for extensionless files that use this language.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: Array.<string> - Extensionless file names used by this language


Adds one or more file extensions to this language.

Kind: instance method of Language

extensionstring | Array.<string>A file extension (or array thereof) used by this language


Unregisters one or more file extensions from this language.

Kind: instance method of Language

extensionstring | Array.<string>File extension (or array thereof) to stop using for this language


Adds one or more file names to the language which is used to match files that don't have extensions like "Makefile" for example.

Kind: instance method of Language

extensionstring | Array.<string>An extensionless file name (or array thereof) used by this language


Unregisters one or more file names from this language.

Kind: instance method of Language

extensionstring | Array.<string>An extensionless file name (or array thereof) used by this language

language.hasLineCommentSyntax() ⇒ boolean

Returns whether the line comment syntax is defined for this language.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: boolean - Whether line comments are supported

language.getLineCommentPrefixes() ⇒ Array.<string>

Returns an array of prefixes to use for line comments.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: Array.<string> - The prefixes

language.setLineCommentSyntax(prefix) ⇒ boolean

Sets the prefixes to use for line comments in this language or prints an error to the console.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: boolean - Whether the syntax was valid and set or not

prefixstring | Array.<string>Prefix string or an array of prefix strings to use for line comments (e.g. "//" or ["//", "#"])

language.hasBlockCommentSyntax() ⇒ boolean

Returns whether the block comment syntax is defined for this language.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: boolean - Whether block comments are supported

language.getBlockCommentPrefix() ⇒ string

Returns the prefix to use for block comments.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: string - The prefix

language.getBlockCommentSuffix() ⇒ string

Returns the suffix to use for block comments.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: string - The suffix

language.setBlockCommentSyntax(prefix, suffix) ⇒ boolean

Sets the prefix and suffix to use for blocks comments in this language or prints an error to the console.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: boolean - Whether the syntax was valid and set or not

prefixstringPrefix string to use for block comments (e.g. "< !--")
suffixstringSuffix string to use for block comments (e.g. "-->")

language.getLanguageForMode(mode) ⇒ Language

Returns either a language associated with the mode or the fallback language. Used to disambiguate modes used by multiple languages.

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: Language - This language if it uses the mode, or whatever #_getLanguageForMode returns

modestringThe mode to associate the language with

language.isFallbackLanguage() ⇒ boolean

Determines whether this is the fallback language or not

Kind: instance method of Language
Returns: boolean - True if this is the fallback language, false otherwise

language.isBinary() ⇒ boolean

Indicates whether or not the language is binary (e.g., image or audio).

Kind: instance method of Language

getLanguage(id) ⇒ Language

Resolves a language ID to a Language object. File names have a higher priority than file extensions.

Kind: global function
Returns: Language - The language with the provided identifier or undefined

idstringIdentifier for this language: lowercase letters, digits, and _ separators (e.g. "cpp", "foo_bar", "c99")

getLanguageForExtension(extension) ⇒ Language

Resolves a file extension to a Language object. Warning: it is almost always better to use getLanguageForPath(), since Language can depend on file name and even full path. Use this API only if no relevant file/path exists.

Kind: global function
Returns: Language - The language for the provided extension or null if none exists

extensionstringExtension that language should be resolved for

getLanguageForPath(path, [ignoreOverride]) ⇒ Language

Resolves a file path to a Language object.

Kind: global function
Returns: Language - The language for the provided file type or the fallback language

pathstringPath to the file to find a language for
[ignoreOverride]booleanIf set to true will cause the lookup to ignore any overrides and return default binding. By default override is not ignored.

getLanguages() ⇒ Object.<string, Language>

Returns a map of all the languages currently defined in the LanguageManager. The key to the map is the language id and the value is the language object.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object.<string, Language> - A map containing all of the languages currently defined.

setLanguageOverrideForPath(fullPath, language)

Adds a language mapping for the specified fullPath. If language is falsy (null or undefined), the mapping is removed. The override is NOT persisted across Brackets sessions.

Kind: global function

fullPathfullPathabsolute path of the file
languageobjectlanguage to associate the file with or falsy value to remove any existing override

getCompoundFileExtension(fullPath) ⇒ string

Get the file extension (excluding ".") given a path OR a bare filename. Returns "" for names with no extension. If the only . in the file is the first character, returns "" as this is not considered an extension. This method considers known extensions which include . in them.

Kind: global function
Returns: string - Returns the extension of a filename or empty string if the argument is a directory or a filename with no extension

fullPathstringfull path to a file or directory

defineLanguage(id, definition) ⇒ $.Promise

Defines a language.

Kind: global function
Returns: $.Promise - A promise object that will be resolved with a Language object

idstringUnique identifier for this language: lowercase letters, digits, and _ separators (e.g. "cpp", "foo_bar", "c99")
definitionObjectAn object describing the language
definition.namestringHuman-readable name of the language, as it's commonly referred to (e.g. "C++")
definition.fileExtensionsArray.<string>List of file extensions used by this language (e.g. ["php", "php3"] or [""] - may contain dots)
definition.fileNamesArray.<string>List of exact file names (e.g. ["Makefile"] or ["package.json]). Higher precedence than file extension.
definition.blockCommentArray.<string>Array with two entries defining the block comment prefix and suffix (e.g. ["< !--", "-->"])
definition.lineCommentstring | Array.<string>Line comment prefixes (e.g. "//" or ["//", "#"])
definition.modestring | Array.<string>CodeMirror mode (e.g. "htmlmixed"), optionally with a MIME mode defined by that mode ["clike", "text/x-c++src"] Unless the mode is located in thirdparty/CodeMirror/mode/"name"/"name".js, you need to first load it yourself.