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Import :

const MainViewManager = brackets.getModule("view/MainViewManager")


MainViewManager manages the arrangement of all open panes as well as provides the controller logic behind all views in the MainView (e.g. ensuring that a file doesn't appear in 2 lists)

Each pane contains one or more views wich are created by a view factory and inserted into a pane list. There may be several panes managed by the MainViewManager with each pane containing a list of views. The panes are always visible and the layout is determined by the MainViewManager and the user.

Currently we support only 2 panes.

All of the WorkingSet APIs take a paneId Argument. This can be an actual pane Id, ALL_PANES (in most cases) or ACTIVE_PANE. ALL_PANES may not be supported for some APIs. See the API for details.

This module dispatches several events:

  • activePaneChange - When the active pane changes. There will always be an active pane. (e, newPaneId:string, oldPaneId:string)
  • currentFileChange -- When the user has switched to another pane, file, document. When the user closes a view and there are no other views to show the current file will be null. (e, newFile:File, newPaneId:string, oldFile:File, oldPaneId:string)
  • paneLayoutChange -- When Orientation changes. (e, orientation:string)
  • paneCreate -- When a pane is created (e, paneId:string)
  • paneDestroy -- When a pane is destroyed (e, paneId:string)

To listen for working set changes, you must listen to all of these events:

  • workingSetAdd -- When a file is added to the working set (e, fileAdded:File, index:number, paneId:string)
  • workingSetAddList -- When multiple files are added to the working set (e, fileAdded:Array."File", paneId:string)
  • workingSetMove - When a File has moved to a different working set (e, File:FILE, sourcePaneId:string, destinationPaneId:string)
  • workingSetRemove -- When a file is removed from the working set (e, fileRemoved:File, suppressRedraw:boolean, paneId:string)
  • workingSetRemoveList -- When multiple files are removed from the working set (e, filesRemoved:Array."File", paneId:string)
  • workingSetSort -- When a pane's view array is reordered without additions or removals. (e, paneId:string)
  • workingSetUpdate -- When changes happen due to system events such as a file being deleted. listeners should discard all working set info and rebuilt it from the pane by calling getWorkingSet() (e, paneId:string)
  • _workingSetDisableAutoSort -- When the working set is reordered by manually dragging a file. (e, paneId:string) For Internal Use Only.

To listen for events, do something like this: (see EventDispatcher for details on this pattern) MainViewManager.on("eventname", handler);

Kind: global variable


Event current file change

Kind: global constant


Special paneId shortcut that can be used to specify that all panes should be targeted by the API. Not all APIs support this constnant. Check the API documentation before use.

Kind: global constant


Special paneId shortcut that can be used to specify that the API should target the focused pane only. All APIs support this shortcut.

Kind: global constant

isExclusiveToPane(File) ⇒ Object

Checks whether a file is listed exclusively in the provided pane

Kind: global function

FileFilethe file

getActivePaneId() ⇒ string

Retrieves the currently active Pane Id

Kind: global function
Returns: string - Active Pane's ID.


Focuses the current pane. If the current pane has a current view, then the pane will focus the view.

Kind: global function


Switch active pane to the specified pane id (or ACTIVE_PANE/ALL_PANES, in which case this call does nothing).

Kind: global function

paneIdstringthe id of the pane to activate

getCurrentlyViewedFile(paneId) ⇒ File

Retrieves the currently viewed file of the specified paneId

Kind: global function
Returns: File - File object of the currently viewed file, or null if there isn't one or there's no such pane

paneIdstringthe id of the pane in which to retrieve the currently viewed file

getCurrentlyViewedEditor(paneId) ⇒ Editor

Retrieves the currently viewed editor of the specified paneId

Kind: global function
Returns: Editor - currently editor, or null if there isn't one or there's no such pane

paneIdstringthe id of the pane in which to retrieve the currently viewed editor

getAllViewedEditors() ⇒ Object

Gets an array of editors open in panes with their pane IDs. Can return an empty array if no editors are open.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - An array of objects, each containing an editor and its corresponding pane ID.

getCurrentlyViewedPath(paneId) ⇒ string

Retrieves the currently viewed path of the pane specified by paneId

Kind: global function
Returns: string - the path of the currently viewed file or null if there isn't one

paneIdstringthe id of the pane in which to retrieve the currently viewed path


Caches the specified pane's current scroll state If there was already cached state for the specified pane, it is discarded and overwritten

Kind: global function

paneIdstringid of the pane in which to cache the scroll state, ALL_PANES or ACTIVE_PANE

restoreAdjustedScrollState(paneId, heightDelta)

Restores the scroll state from cache and applies the heightDelta The view implementation is responsible for applying or ignoring the heightDelta. This is used primarily when a modal bar opens to keep the editor from scrolling the current page out of view in order to maintain the appearance. The state is removed from the cache after calling this function.

Kind: global function

paneIdstringid of the pane in which to adjust the scroll state, ALL_PANES or ACTIVE_PANE
heightDeltanumberdelta H to apply to the scroll state

getWorkingSet(paneId) ⇒ Array.<File>

Retrieves the WorkingSet for the given paneId not including temporary views

Kind: global function

paneIdstringid of the pane in which to get the view list, ALL_PANES or ACTIVE_PANE

getAllOpenFiles() ⇒ array.<File>

Retrieves the list of all open files including temporary views

Kind: global function
Returns: array.<File> - the list of all open files in all open panes

getPaneIdList() ⇒ array.<string>

Retrieves the list of all open pane ids

Kind: global function
Returns: array.<string> - the list of all open panes

getWorkingSetSize(paneId) ⇒ number

Retrieves the size of the selected pane's view list

Kind: global function
Returns: number - the number of items in the specified pane

paneIdstringid of the pane in which to get the workingset size. Can use ALL_PANES or ACTIVE_PANE

getPaneTitle(paneId) ⇒ string

Retrieves the title to display in the workingset view

Kind: global function
Returns: string - title

paneIdstringid of the pane in which to get the title

getPaneCount() ⇒ number

Retrieves the number of panes

Kind: global function

findInAllWorkingSets(fullPath) ⇒ Object

Finds all instances of the specified file in all working sets. If there is a temporary view of the file, it is not part of the result set

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - an array of paneId/index records

fullPathstringpath of the file to find views of

findInOpenPane(fullPath) ⇒ Object

Returns the pane IDs and editors (if present) of the given file in any open and viewable pane. If the same file is open in multiple panes, all matching panes will be returned. If not found in any panes, an empty array will be returned.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - An array of objects, each containing the pane ID and the corresponding editor, if present.

fullPathstringThe full path of the file to search for.

findInWorkingSet(paneId, fullPath) ⇒ number

Gets the index of the file matching fullPath in the workingset

Kind: global function
Returns: number - index, -1 if not found.

paneIdstringid of the pane in which to search or ALL_PANES or ACTIVE_PANE
fullPathstringfull path of the file to search for

findInWorkingSetByAddedOrder(paneId, fullPath) ⇒ number

Gets the index of the file matching fullPath in the added order workingset

Kind: global function
Returns: number - index, -1 if not found.

paneIdstringid of the pane in which to search or ALL_PANES or ACTIVE_PANE
fullPathstringfull path of the file to search for

findInWorkingSetByMRUOrder(paneId, fullPath) ⇒ number

Gets the index of the file matching fullPath in the MRU order workingset

Kind: global function
Returns: number - index, -1 if not found.

paneIdstringid of the pane in which to search or ALL_PANES or ACTIVE_PANE
fullPathstringfull path of the file to search for

addToWorkingSet(paneId, file, [index], [forceRedraw])

Adds the given file to the end of the workingset, if it is not already there. This API does not create a view of the file, it just adds it to the working set Views of files in the working set are persisted and are not destroyed until the user closes the file using FILE_CLOSE; Views are created using FILE_OPEN and, when opened, are made the current view. If a File is already opened then the file is just made current and its view is shown.

Kind: global function

paneIdstringThe id of the pane in which to add the file object to or ACTIVE_PANE
fileFileThe File object to add to the workingset
[index]numberPosition to add to list (defaults to last); -1 is ignored
[forceRedraw]booleanIf true, a workingset change notification is always sent (useful if suppressRedraw was used with removeView() earlier)

addListToWorkingSet(paneId, fileList)

Adds the given file list to the end of the workingset.

Kind: global function

paneIdstringThe id of the pane in which to add the file object to or ACTIVE_PANE
fileListArray.<File>Array of files to add to the pane


Switch between panes

Kind: global function

traverseToNextViewByMRU(direction) ⇒ Object

Get the next or previous file in the MRU list.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - The File object of the next item in the traversal order or null if there aren't any files to traverse. May return current file if there are no other files to traverse.

directionnumberMust be 1 or -1 to traverse forward or backward

traverseToNextViewInListOrder(direction) ⇒ Object

Get the next or previous file in list order.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - The File object of the next item in the traversal order or null if there aren't any files to traverse. May return current file if there are no other files to traverse.

directionnumberMust be 1 or -1 to traverse forward or backward


Indicates that traversal has begun. Can be called any number of times.

Kind: global function


Un-freezes the MRU list after one or more beginTraversal() calls. Whatever file is current is bumped to the front of the MRU list.

Kind: global function

setLayoutScheme(rows, columns)

Changes the layout scheme

Kind: global function
Summay: Rows or Columns may be 1 or 2 but both cannot be 2. 1x2, 2x1 or 1x1 are the legal values

rowsnumber(may be 1 or 2)
columnsnumber(may be 1 or 2)

getLayoutScheme() ⇒ Object

Retrieves the current layout scheme.

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - - An object containing the number of rows and columns in the layout.