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Import :

const QuickSearchField = brackets.getModule("search/QuickSearchField")


Kind: global class

new QuickSearchField($input)

Attaches to an existing "input" tag

options.resultProviderfunctionGiven the current search text, returns an array of result objects, an error object, or a Promise that yields one of those. If the Promise is still outstanding when the query next changes, resultProvider() will be called again (without waiting for the earlier Promise), and the Promise's result will be ignored. If the provider yields [], or a non-null error string, input is decorated with ".no-results"; if the provider yields a null error string, input is not decorated.
options.formatterfunctionConverts one result object to a string of HTML text. Passed the item and the current query. The outermost element must be "li". The ".highlight" class can be ignored as it is applied automatically.
options.onCommitfunctionCalled when an item is selected by clicking or pressing Enter. Passed the committed item and the current query and its index. If the current result list is not up to date with the query text at the time Enter is pressed, waits until it is before running this callback. If Enter pressed with no results, passed null. The popup remains open after this event.
options.onHighlightfunctionCalled when an item is highlighted in the list. Passed the item, the current query, and a flag that is true if the item was highlighted explicitly (arrow keys), not simply due to a results list update. Since the top item in the list is always initially highlighted, every time the list is updated onHighlight() is called with the top item and with the explicit flag set to false.
options.onDeletefunctionCalled when delete key is pressed on a selected item in the list. Passed the item.
options.onDismissfunctionCalled when popup is dismissed with escape key press. Popup is not usable after this point.
options.maxResultsnumberMaximum number of items from resultProvider() to display in the popup.
options.verticalAdjustnumberNumber of pixels to position the popup below where $input is when constructor is called. Useful if UI is going to animate position after construction, but QuickSearchField may receive input before the animation is done.
options.$positionEljQueryObjectIf provided, the popup will be positioned based on this.
options.firstHighlightIndexnumberIndex of the result that is highlighted by default. null to not highlight any result.
options.focusLastActiveElementOnClosebooleanIf set to true, focuses the last active element on close. By default, the editor is always focused.

quickSearchField.options : Object

Kind: instance property of QuickSearchField

quickSearchField.$input : jQueryObject

Kind: instance property of QuickSearchField

quickSearchField.$positionEl : jQueryObject

Kind: instance property of QuickSearchField


Refresh the results dropdown, as if the user had changed the search text. Useful for providers that want to show cached data initially, then update the results with fresher data once available.

Kind: instance method of QuickSearchField


Programmatically changes the search text and updates the results.

Kind: instance method of QuickSearchField



Closes the dropdown, and discards any pending Promises.

Kind: instance method of QuickSearchField


Text field with attached dropdown list that is updated (based on a provider) whenever the text changes.

For styling, the DOM structure of the popup is as follows: body ol.quick-search-container li li.highlight li And the text field is: input

Kind: global constant