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Import :

const Session = brackets.getModule("JSUtils/Session")


Kind: global class

new Session(editor)

Session objects encapsulate state associated with a hinting session and provide methods for updating and querying the session.

editorEditorthe editor context for the session

session.getPath() ⇒ String

Get the name of the file associated with the current session

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: String - - the full pathname of the file associated with the current session

session.getCursor() ⇒ Object

Get the current cursor position.

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: Object - - the current cursor position

session.getLine(line) ⇒ String

Get the text of a line.

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: String - - the text of the line

linenumberthe line number

session.getOffset() ⇒ number

Get the offset of the current cursor position

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: number - - the offset into the current document of the current cursor

session.getOffsetFromCursor(the) ⇒ number

Get the offset of a cursor position

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: number - - the offset into the current document of the cursor

theObjectline/col info

session.getToken(cursor) ⇒ Object

Get the token at the given cursor position, or at the current cursor if none is given.

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: Object - - the CodeMirror token at the given cursor position

cursorObjectthe cursor position at which to retrieve a token

session.getNextTokenOnLine(cursor) ⇒ Object

Get the token after the one at the given cursor position

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: Object - - the CodeMirror token after the one at the given cursor position

cursorObjectcursor position before which a token should be retrieved

session.getNextCursorOnLine() ⇒ Object

Get the next cursor position on the line, or null if there isn't one.

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: Object - - the cursor position immediately following the current cursor position, or null if none exists.

session.getNextToken(cursor, skipWhitespace) ⇒ Object

Get the token after the one at the given cursor position

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: Object - - the CodeMirror token after the one at the given cursor position

cursorObjectcursor position after which a token should be retrieved
skipWhitespaceBooleantrue if this should skip over whitespace tokens

session.getQuery() ⇒ String

Calculate a query String relative to the current cursor position and token. E.g., from a state "identi--cursor--er", the query String is "identi".

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: String - - the query String for the current cursor position

session.getContext(cursor, [depth]) ⇒ String

Find the context of a property lookup. For example, for a lookup foo(bar, baz(quux)).prop, foo is the context.

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: String - - the context for the property that was looked up

cursorObjectthe cursor position at which context information is to be retrieved
[depth]numberthe current depth of the parenthesis stack, or undefined if the depth is 0.

session.findPreviousDot() ⇒ Object

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: Object - - the line, col info for where the previous "." in a property lookup occurred, or undefined if no previous "." was found.

session.getFunctionInfo() ⇒ Object

Determine if the caret is either within a function call or on the function call itself.

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: Object - inFunctionCall - true if the caret if either within a function call or on the function call itself. functionCallPos - the offset of the '(' character of the function call if inFunctionCall is true, otherwise undefined.

session.getType() ⇒ Object

Get the type of the current session, i.e., whether it is a property lookup and, if so, what the context of the lookup is.

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: Object - - an Object consisting of a "property" that indicates whether or not the type of the session is a property lookup, and a "context" that indicates the object context (as described in getContext above) of the property lookup, or null if there is none. The context is always null for non-property lookups.

session.getHints(query, matcher) ⇒ Object

Retrieves a list of hints for the current session based on the current scope information.

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: Object - An object containing:

  • hints: An array of matching hints.
  • needGuesses: A Boolean indicating whether the caller needs to request guesses and call getHints again.
queryStringThe query prefix used to filter hints.
matcherStringMatcherThe class used to find query matches and sort the results.


Set a new function type hint.

Kind: instance method of Session

newFnTypeObjectArray of function hints


The position of the function call for the current fnType.

Kind: instance method of Session

functionCallPosObjectthe offset of the function call.

session.getParameterHint() ⇒ Object

Get the function type hint. This will format the hint, showing the parameter at the cursor in bold.

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: Object - An Object where the "parameters" property is an array of parameter objects; the "currentIndex" property index of the hint the cursor is on, may be -1 if the cursor is on the function identifier.

session.getJavascriptText() ⇒ String

Get the javascript text of the file open in the editor for this Session. For a javascript file, this is just the text of the file. For an HTML file, this will be only the text in the script tags. This is so that we can pass just the javascript text to tern, and avoid confusing it with HTML tags, since it only knows how to parse javascript.

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: String - - the "javascript" text that can be sent to Tern.

session.isFunctionName() ⇒ Boolean

Determine if the cursor is located in the name of a function declaration. This is so we can suppress hints when in a function name, as we do for variable and parameter declarations, but we can tell those from the token itself rather than having to look at previous tokens.

Kind: instance method of Session
Returns: Boolean - - true if the current cursor position is in the name of a function declaration.